“Her tunesmithing is sophisticated, purposeful and defies categorization.”
— New York Music Daily
“I met Martina Fiserova a few years ago & immediately recognized a kindred spirit who was ready to embrace life & music in NY City. Since that time, she has managed to create her own singing & guitar style, combining influences, from Europe to the US. Her passion for composing, producing, playing all kinds of guitars, & combining Jazz, Pop, & Acoustic music has created a style that’s all her own..and she channels all of this through her original singing & irresistible personality..
Check out Martina Fiserova ... Well worth the listen!!”
— Lee Ritenour
Martina Fišerová is an experienced singer, songwriter and lyricist. Accompanying herself on guitar and piano she can play a solo show or perform with a full band.
M. Fišerová was supporting the Czech rock star singer Kamil Střihavka as his backing vocalist for several years while leading her own original acoustic band Seven Days.
Tina also has theatre experience; the Kudykam project – which took place in the Prague State Opera.
In the fall 2010 she was asked to join the Prague Conservatory Jazz Orchestra under the leadership of the great Milan Svoboda to perform her original songs in Taiwan and Vietnam.
She graduated from J.Ježek Jazz College in 2011. In the same year she took part in making the debut album of well renowned bassist Jaryn Janekcalled Ty Lidi (Indies Scope) as a singer and lyricist, writing in several different languages.
In 2012 Blue Season Art Agency released her debut CD “Clearing Fields” with Grammy nominated New York City organist Brian Charette (see reviews in the Press Section).
In September 2013 she published a poetry book titled Martezie.
Martina was honored to perform at the Kennedy Center in Washington D.C., at the prestigious international festival Prague Proms (CZ) and at the Blue Note Jazz Festival in New York.
She also collaborates with Canadian artist Mimi Oz and is featured in music videos of Mimi Oz and a New York underground avant-garde band Genes and Machines.
Též se intenzivně zabývala studiem muzikoterapie v antroposofickém smyslu.
Na jaře 2012 vydala díky Blue Season Art Agency CD Clearing Fields, které spontánně vzniklo na základě spolupráce s newyorským pianistou a varhaníkem Brianem Charettem (viz recenze v sekci Press).
V září 2013 Martina vydala básnickou sbírku Martezie.
V červenci 2015 pokřtila v pražském Jazzdocku svou první výlučně autorskou desku SHIFT (opět u Blue Season Art Agency), kterou dokončila během svého dlouhodobého pobytu v New Yorku.
Martina byla poctěna pozváním představit se v Kennedyho Centru ve Washingtonu D.C., dále na prestižním mezinárodním festivalu Prague Proms a naposledy jako host Jiřího Nedomy na festivalu Blue Note 2022 v New Yorku.
Garana Jazz Festival (Romania) Burgthann Jazz Festival (Germany) AghartaJazz Festival Praha (CZ) International Jazz Festival Piestany (Slovakia) Lanškroun – Jazz a little otherwise (CZ) Prague Jazz Open Festival (CZ) Rueil Malmaison Jazz Festival (France) Afyon Jazz Festival(Turkey) Haskovo Jazz Festival (Bulgaria) Mezinárodní Jazz festival Praha (CZ) Jazz Goes To Town (Hradec Králové, CZ) Setkání s hudbou (Soběslav, CZ) Prospect Heights Music & Arts Festival (NYC, USA) New York Antifolk Festival 2018 (NYC, USA) Dissident Arts Festival 2018 (NYC, USA) Kids Euro Festival 2018 (Washington D.C., USA) New York Antifolk Festival 2019 (NYC, USA) Prague Proms 2020 (CZ) Blue Note Jazz festival 2022 (NYC, USA)
“Martina’s singing carries with it an immediacy and conscience reminiscent of Joni Mitchell but with a core strength and projection made for these times. Likewise, her guitar playing is marked by technical excellence and enough of a variety in performance practice that the set never grew old. This young lady’s engrossing music and lyrics are imbued with a certain authenticity, a modest love of the craft, and genuine enjoyment of the stage.”